Launch of Berghof Foundation’s National Dialogue Handbook, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
I served as an adviser to the team at the Berghof Foundation developing their ground breaking National Dialogue Handbook: A Guide for Practitioners and produced a conceptual paper for the project:
Dilemmas of Ownership, Inclusivity, Legitimacy and Power: Towards Transformative National Dialogue Processes. National Dialogue Handbook Background Paper No. 1. Berlin: Berghof Foundation. 2017.
This built on two earlier projects examining transformative war-to-peace transitions, with (more) inclusive and comprehensive dialogue and negotiations enabling reconsideration of the social contract:
Owning the Process: Public Participation in Peacemaking. Accord 13. Editor. London: Conciliation Resources, 2002 - and the related brief for policy audiences Public Participation in Peacemaking
Renegotiating the political settlement in war-to-peace transitions. Paper commissioned by UK Department for International Development for OECD-DAC International Dialogue on Statebuilding and Peacebuilding. March 2009.